In/Out Access Details
An access is defined as the round trip of a customer picking up their storage item and then bringing it back during the contract term (not the initial drop off or final pick up). With several days advance notice during non-winter months, we can offer a handful of accesses during your storage term but not to the frequency of many times per month.
Providing access is the most time- and labor-intensive aspect of our storage service. It requires coordinating drop off and pick up times with customers, pulling out and/or putting back items (sometimes moving other items to do so), and utilizing a spotter to park items. In short, there is a significant difference servicing the customer who needs in/out access versus the customer who drops off their item and says, “See you in six months.” Hence, there may be a marginal rate increase if you need access.
HOW ACCESS WORKS: when an INDOOR customer requests access to their storage item, we pull the item out of the building and have it ready for pick up in the driveway. When the item is returned, we put it back in the building. For OUTDOOR customers, we typically allow the customer to pull out their item (if the outdoor storage area is dry), and once it’s returned to the drop-off area, we put it back in the outdoor storage lineup.
The reason we pull out and put back items is to minimize the risk of one customer backing into another customer’s item and to maintain security in the locked buildings.
TIMING: We try to schedule pick ups and drop offs when guests are not staying at the farm. A few days or more of advance notice is helpful so we can adjust if there’s wet weather for outdoor items and so I can arrange for a spotter for indoor items. The farm is private property and entry is allowed only with advance permission. Security cameras are in operation and personnel are regularly on site.
PICK UPS for OUTDOOR ITEMS: Generally it’s best to pick up after 12pm, so dew can dry off the grass. Turn your vehicle around in flat drop off area and then back around the corner to the outdoor storage area to where your item is parked. Do not turn around on slope in storage area, as this wears out the grass. Use 4WD LOW (if your vehicle has it) when backing up to your item to lessen the chance of spinning tires.
DROP OFFS FOR OUTDOOR ITEMS: If ground is dry, park your item on the flat field that borders the west side of the driveway as you approach farmhouse. Park your item facing south (driveway runs north toward farmhouse and south toward Sawmill Road). If the ground is wet, see below section on “drop offs for indoor items” as to where to park in the driveway on gravel.
DROP OFFS for INDOOR ITEMS: You should be able to do a counterclockwise U turn if you hug the right side as you approach the North Building (the building furthest from farmhouse). Bricks or wood chocks are available in front of the North Building. Do not park in front of small garage door on North Building, as that blocks our tow vehicle from getting out. Here is the order of preference for where to park your item:
1. Between the two buildings. Back it up enough so the next vehicle can do U turn but not so far that your tires are off the gravel.
2. In front of the smaller door on the East Building (building closest to farmhouse).
3. To the left of the smallest door on the North Building.
4. In front of larger sliding door on East Building
TONGUE JACK: Keeping your tongue jack in good operating condition saves us time and effort. For electronic tongue jacks, make sure the battery is charged and consider installing a battery switch to turn off battery when stored. For hand crank tongue jacks, please have one that is installed well and cranks easily.
DRIVING TO and FROM FARM: Xanadu Ave south of County Road 10 (W 200th St.) and north of Sawmill Road is NOT a thru street so please do not use this road as you will be driving through our neighbor’s private farmyard.