Storage Agreement 2024

This constitutes the agreement between the Lessee (“Lessee”) and Stone House Farm LLC (“SHF”) for storage in a building or on the grounds at 21211 Sawmill Road, Jordan, MN 55352.

OWNERSHIP, PAYMENT, and ENTRY: Lessee represents lawful possession of Property (i.e. storage items). Lessee must pay in full for storage term before dropping off item and request and receive permission each time in advance of entering SHF premises.

LIABILITY: Lessee agrees to hold SHF, including owner and associated persons, harmless for any financial loss, physical harm, or death that may occur to Lessee and/or any associated persons entering onto SHF premises.

Lessee acknowledges that SHF does not accept or assume any liability for Property stored or moved by SHF, no matter the cause and extent of such loss. It is the sole responsibility of Lessee to obtain adequate insurance coverage to protect against loss. Lessee releases SHF, owner, and associated persons of all obligations arising from any and all actual or potential claims.

Lessee shall be responsible for any damage, loss or injury caused by the Lessee and/or any associated persons while on SHF’s premises.

HAZARDS: Lessee shall not bring poisons or other hazards on premises and agrees that the Property doesn’t leak any fluids, including from battery. Owner reserves the right to inspect Property with reasonable cause.

RELOCATION and PARKING: SHF may relocate Property to another location on the premises for purpose of maintenance, consolidation, event, or emergency. Only SHF shall park items in storage location and pull out items from buildings.

ACCESS and REMOVAL: Up to six in/out accesses provided during Summer term with advance notice (five or more days is helpful to coordinate around weather and farmhouse guests). There is a marginal rate increase to cover our time/labor if you need multiple accesses. Prior to the termination of this agreement, Lessee shall remove all Property from the premises. SHF reserves the right to remove Property from premises if Lessee persists in breach of this agreement or does not submit payment.

LEGAL: This agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of MN, County of Scott and policies of SHF. If SHF brings legal action regarding this agreement, Lessee must pay actual attorney’s fees and/or other legal fees or charges incurred. This is the entire agreement between the parties. It replaces and supersedes any and all oral agreements and prior writings between the parties.

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